I'm just getting around to reading this now, a few weeks late, and as seems to happen you and I are on similar pages! I just reread "A Room of One's Own" (as you'll know from my own recent post), and am thinking a lot about finding time to write – and resisting all of the pat advice to writers out there, much of which seems to be about productivity and how to earn lots of money from your writing (less about how to enjoy it and how to make it good, in the sense of caring about the words). I'm glad you care, and love to read you!
I'm just getting around to reading this now, a few weeks late, and as seems to happen you and I are on similar pages! I just reread "A Room of One's Own" (as you'll know from my own recent post), and am thinking a lot about finding time to write – and resisting all of the pat advice to writers out there, much of which seems to be about productivity and how to earn lots of money from your writing (less about how to enjoy it and how to make it good, in the sense of caring about the words). I'm glad you care, and love to read you!