I’m not familiar with the Cheer series, but it looks interesting.

It appears as though four U.S. presidents were cheerleaders in high school or college: Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. And the late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a high school cheerleader.

I don’t know if Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac was ever a cheerleader or drum majorette, but in this video the band made with the USC Marching Trojans, it looks like she has twirling skills:


Cheerleaders and marching bands: very closely associated with sporting events even though they have nothing to do with the sport itself. But part of the overall spectacle, I suppose.

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Loved the trapeze story--there’s something so human about putting ourselves out there at their edge of our capability. I’ve read Rubin’s book too. Hippy is a good word for it.

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